saturday: casting

so, this could be me.. because the weirdest thing happened to me this
saturday. i was strolling the streets waiting for a friend, when i figured
i should go to his house, aka, the swedish church, aka 5th avenue, and
see if he was ready or not. the church wasn't open so i sat down on the
stone benches right outside of it. i had literally sat down for 30 seconds
when a man on the other bench leaned over and said something i couldn't
really catch. so i asked him to repeat it.
"i like your style, you seem like a cool girl. i work for oprah, you know,
'the oprah show'? i would like to make voice overs with you, for cartoons
at nickelodeon"
i approached him and asked him some more questions, thinking this was
too strange to be true. but he called mtv networks and talked with them
as if he really knew them, he showed me all these business cards and
he actually seemed to be who he said he was. the only problem at this
point was that i needed to give him an amount of cash right there and now,
which of course made me quite suspicious, but i decided to give it a shot.
when i walked away i, finally, got a hang of my friend who came straight
down and who had to calm me down first thing. we went to see this tracey
together and i realised that i was probably not allowed to take this job
with my current au pair visa, which i said to him. and he replied:
"oh, i though you were an american citizen, because you have to be..
so no money was exchanged, no contracts were signed, no voice overs done
but he thought i was an american citizen?! with no foreign accent to my english?!
i guess that's a compliment or something..?!
"i wish i was a cartoon figure.."


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